I woke up in Badlands
Sunrise hike
New light
Spilling into Conata Basin
I then drove east
Then south
73 from Kadoka
I wanted to see Anna Mae
Or rather
Where she left this world
A leader of her people
Flawed, betrayed, murdered
I once saw a film
A detective
Stood at the place
I knew what it looked like
Driving south on 73
I knew the place right away
I thought
At least
They took you to a beautiful place
Butte land grass land
White clay formations
Dotted with Red Cedars
I imagined
The handgun behind the ear
And flashing
And exploding into
One thousand prismatic, bird-shaped fragments of light
Shooting outward
Fanning out
Crystal colored
I saw this so clearly
In my mind's eye
I headed west through Wanblee
Lakota radio from Porcupine
Old Sioux men
Strumming electric guitars
Singing Jesus songs
South of Porcupine
I saw Wounded Knee
Two huge patches
Grass fire black
On top of the hill
Gateway to the cemetery
I climbed the hill
Went through the gate
Central slot area fenced
Chain link
Covered with charms
Ribbons, prayer flags
An Irish flag
All fluttering in the dry wind
I climbed down the hill
Entered the humble museum
Thick sage smoke
Large poster of Pedro Bissonette
Five dollar bill
This is what I did
On the tenth anniversary
Of September 11